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To Report Suspected Child Abuse Call the DCF Central Intake Line at 1-800-649-5285 

About Us

The Vermont Children’s Alliance, or VCA, is the Vermont chapter of the National Children’s Alliance (NCA).


As an accredited chapter member of the National Children’s Alliance, the VCA assists with the development, continuation, and enhancement of the CAC model throughout Vermont, as well as provides support services to local communities and CACs. The VCA also serves as a resource and facilitates a network dedicated to a coordinated and comprehensive response to child abuse


The VCA is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that represents all CACs in Vermont.

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NCA is the national association and accrediting body for a network of 900 (and counting!) Children’s Advocacy Centers—CACs. They provide support, advocacy, quality assurance, and national leadership for CACs, all to help support the important work that CACs do in communities across the country. CACs provide a coordinated, evidence-based response to children who have been abused in all 50 states.

Support and Services

The VCA works collaboratively with organizations such as The Vermont Department of State’s Attorneys and The Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center, to provide some of the following education and training opportunities to Vermont CACs:

Support and Advocacy
  • Link and coordination of information to/from the National Children’s Alliance, Northeast Regional Child Advocacy Centers and other state chapters

  • Assist local communities with developing their own centers

  • Help local centers identify and meet the needs of their communities

  • Provide technical assistance and training for Child Advocacy Center boards, staff and Multidisciplinary Teams

  • Create awareness among professionals and communities about CACs and child abuse

  • Serve as a liaison for CACs with the state legislature

  • Solicit and administer funding for active and developing centers

  • Advocacy with other state agencies

Training Services and Opportunities
  • Forensic Interviewing Training

  • Multidisciplinary Team Training

  • Case Review Training

  • Advocacy Training

  • Scholarships/Reduced Rate for specified statewide and national trainings

  • Annual Training Conference

  • Nonprofit Management Training for New Directors

  • Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Training

Technical Assistance
  • Site Visits

  • Respond to requests for information regarding contractual and funding requirements, human resources, financial and general management questions, program development ideas, and MDT interaction

  • Resource Lending Library

  • Access to NCA track for data collection and statistical reports

Communications & Outreach
  • Quarterly Newsletter

  • Monthly conference call for CAC Directors, Quarterly meetings of Board/membership

  • Annual VCA membership retreat

  • Annual VCA Legislative Breakfast

  • Mentoring coordination and sharing of ideas and information

  • Inclusion in Chapter PSAs

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