April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month and many organizations are hosting events in your area to promote this special month. This is also a great time to recognize the fact that we all play a role in making our community a better place for our children.
Check out these events. Some are from earlier this month and some are still to come!
Both Bennington County Child Advocacy Center and Addison County Children’s Advocacy Center planted a pinwheel garden.
Bennington County Child Advocacy Center (BCCAC) went blue on April 11th!
Below are a few pics from #benningtongoesblue!
The BCCAC is also involved in The Clothesline Project.
The Bennington County Child Advocacy Center & Special Investigations Unit is partnering with Project Against Violent Encounters for The Clothesline Project.
The Clothesline Project was started in Cape Cod, MA in 1990. This is a visual display that bears witness to violence against women. A clothesline is hung with shirts that each represent a particular women’s experience. The shirts are created by the survivor herself or by someone who cares about her.
The purpose of this project is to bear witness to the survivors in our community, to help with the healing process, to educate the community, and provide a nationwide network of support and encouragement.
This project will be traveling throughout Bennington for the month of April.
Check them out: https://www.facebook.com/events/559832684402988/
In Windham County, Safe Place Child Advocacy Center is sponsoring a Pinwheel project, Pinwheels for Prevention Craft Hour on April 20th. https://www.facebook.com/events/418982871895240/
And they also spearheaded the #VTStandsAgainstChildAbuse campaign set for April 27th
OurHouse already has plenty of support from their Facebook followers for the #VTStandsAgainstChildAbuse campaign – check out some of their pics!
OurHouse was also part of the discussion panel following the showing of “Resilience” on April 3rd.
Take some time to check out your local CAC and events near you! And please join us on April 27th and Take a Stand Against Child Abuse!
Take a picture of yourself with a sign that says:
(or you can get colorful and creative and make your own) and post it to Facebook with the hashtag #VermontStandsAgainstChildAbuse. Or email your picture to safeplacecac@gmail.com or info@vtchildrensalliance.org and we’ll post it for you! We’ll be posting on April 27th. Invite your friends! Take photos with your work crew! Or your kids!
Let’s do this, VT!