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To Report Suspected Child Abuse Call the DCF Central Intake Line at 1-800-649-5285
What to Expect
Every CAC is different but all centers have the same goal in mind: to provide a safe and secure space to talk with investigators about what happened and get the help and services needed to begin their healing journey and feel seen and heard.
Take a virtual tour of the Bennington County Child Advocacy Center

Upon arrival at the CAC, the family will be greeted and shown to a waiting room or family room, like the one pictured here from the Lamoille County CAC, while the investigative team prepares for the interview.
The family room may have toys, games and coloring books as well as other activities to keep family members busy while the caregiver completes paperwork. A family advocate will introduce themselves and may provide a brief tour so everyone knows what to expect.
The child and caregiver may then meet with the team, often comprised of the Forensic Interviewer, a Detective assigned to the case, and a case worker from the Department for Children and Families. When the child is in the interview, a family advocate will meet with the caregiver to provide resources and assess needs for information and referral.
Once the child's interview is complete, the investigative team will meet with the caregiver to discuss next steps.

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